WW1 & WW2
Grade 3rd-8th
Misty Thompson
Teacher absence policy- Substitute
Course Description: Learn about WW1 & WW2 what caused them, the battles, and struggles of the people, and more. Each semester students will be required to do a project for the semester final.
Course Viewpoint: Secular
Course Length: Semester
Time: 1:00-1:55
Cost: $125 per semester (cash or check) includes Supply Fee
Supply Fee: Included in class fee
Class Prerequisite: Students must be able to listen to directions
Materials Teacher Will Provide: all other supplies
Materials Students Must Provide: 2 pocket folder, 2 pencils, notebook, pencil sharpener, and supplies for semester end projects
Minimum Enrollment: 8
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Parent Requirements: None
Teacher: Misty Thompson
Contact: misty.fec@gmail.com
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course