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Course Length
What the length of this course is for the school year
Session - These classes may be attended for individual sessions. Once you sign up the teacher will keep you signed up. If you are unable to attend the next session please notify the teacher so they may offer that spot to somebody else.
Semester - These classes are offered in 15 week intervals. Like the School Year Classes, these classes build on the information that was taught in the previous classes you must join at the beginning of the semester and continue through the 15 weeks. If you are unable to continue you are still obligated to pay for the entire semester as that spot may no longer be filled.
School Year - Because these classes build on the information that was taught in the previous classes you must join at the beginning of the year and continue through the school year. If you are unable to continue you are still obligated to pay for the entire year as that spot may no longer be filled.
Open - You may join these classes at any time. As a courtesy you are still required to notify the teacher if you will no longer be attending.
Course View
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course
Christian - Taught from a Christian point of view
Secular - Taught from a secular point of view
Mixed - These classes use a generally secular curriculum but may be taught by someone with a Christian worldview. For example: Ballet is a neutral class but some of the songs may have Christian lyrics. The teacher may say something like "work within your God-given design"
Either - The Guest Hollow curriculums can be customized to include Christian or strictly secular books. When you are purchasing the books, the guide will give you options