Grades 4th – 9th
Jerelyn Sandtner
Teacher absence policy- Online make up session will be offered
Course Description: Tutoring Slots:
Please check with Jerelyn for availability.
Wednesday; 12PM-1PM CLOSED: 1 PM – 2 PM CLOSED; 2 PM – 3 PM CLOSED; 3PM – 4 PM CLOSED; 4PM – 5PM CLOSED
(1 student per hour offered). Tutoring in math fundamentals, math concepts, language arts, writing, and grammar. Just inquire about what you need and I can either assist you or put you in touch with someone who can! Also offering free homeschooling consultations to parents new to homeschooling.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Open (as needed and as space permits)
Time: Wednesdays; Online; Consultations will be scheduled according to personal needs; follows FEC’s school calendar.
Cost: $35/week; CASH or CHECK only; $5 off if payment is CASH (cash can be dropped off Tuesdays at Cornerstone).
Supply Fee: One-time, non-refundable $25.00 fee. OPTIONAL Report Card Fee of $25.00/year
Class Prerequisite: None
Materials Teacher Will Provide: Dependent upon your tutoring needs
Materials Students Must Provide: Dependent upon your tutoring needs
Minimum Enrollment: 1
Maximum Enrollment: 1
Parent Requirements: Dependent upon your tutoring needs
Teacher: Jerelyn Sandtner
Contact: jwsandtner@gmail.com
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course