Grades 7-12
Teacher Evette Smith
Teacher absence policy-Online class or substitute
Course Description: Miss Evette is currently moving her mother to Florida so Michelle is writing this description to the best of her ability. With this class you will discover another world in Language. Enjoy practicing with beginners and returning students alike. Lessons are designed to make Spanish words easier to remember and so you will feel more comfortable speaking the language. The class will meet in person on Tuesdays.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Yearlong
Time: 1:00-1:55
Cost: $150/semester supplies included
Supply Fee: N/A
Class Prerequisite: willingness to listen and participate ( mainly participation )
Materials Teacher Will Provide: Everything needed for class
Materials Students Must Provide: Folder for handouts
Minimum Enrollment: 3
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Parent Requirements: Bring Student on time. Inform teacher of any student attendance changes 24 hours prior to class
Teacher: Evette Smith
Contact: Call or text 406-890-5792
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course