Photography 1

6th – 8th

Nathan Brown

Course Description:  This class will include photograph basics like the rule of thirds for a good photo, reflections, color separating, symmetry in nature, how to use a camera, exposure triangle (aperture, iso, shutter speed) shadows, time of day, and sunlight use and more. This class will touch on the basics of building a name for yourself as a photographer. There will also be an optional photo scavenger hunt for students throughout the session.

Course Viewpoint:  Mixed

Course Length:  Session

Time:  9:00

Cost:  $35

Supply Fee:  No supply fee

Class Prerequisite:  Ability to read and write, ability to understand camera basics.

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  Photography workbook, notebook, and pencil for notes.

Materials Students Must Provide:  Bag or backpack to carry supplies to and from classes.

Minimum Enrollment:  4

Maximum Enrollment:  8

Parent Requirements:  Help students to find item locations for the photo scavenger hunts.

Teacher:  Nathan Brown

Contact: (406) 249-4975

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Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course