Outdoor Games 23/24

Grades 7th – 12th

Jodi Clark

Teacher absence policy- make-up class

Course Description:  This fun and dynamic class provides teens an opportunity to get outside, be active, and socialize with peers. We will play various versions of tag, invasion, dodging, and sneaking games such as Capture the Flag, Dodgeball, and Ultimate Spongeball. Traditional competitive team sports are not the primary focus, but if there is enough interest, we can incorporate the opportunity to try. All activities and games have the potential to foster cohesion, interpersonal skills, empathy, self-confidence, and respect. Furthermore, this class is designed to build teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership, communication, and relationship skills. We will meet in rain, snow, or shine, so students need to dress for the weather. If a class gets canceled due to extremely cold temperatures, the instructor will offer a makeup day at the end of the year.

Course Viewpoint:  Secular

Course Length:  Open

Time:  12:30-1:55

Cost:  $100 PER Semester (Venmo, Cash, or Check)

Supply Fee:  Included in class fee

Class Prerequisite:  None

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  Everything

Materials Students Must Provide:  Sturdy, supportive, and closed-toed athletic shoes are required. As needed: a rain jacket/windbreaker, a warm coat, snow pants, snow boots, hat, gloves, and water bottle. 

Minimum Enrollment:  14

Maximum Enrollment:  20

Parent Requirements:  Open communication with the instructor is strongly encouraged to provide optimum learning support for the child(ren).

Teacher:  Jodi Clark

Contact:  jodiclarkmt@gmail.com, 406-270-9855

You must have an FEC account and be logged in to view The Class Registration Form.

Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course