Let’s Build Models
11 years old and up
Carrie Dahlke
Teacher absence policy- substitute
Course Description: In this class we will build and paint model cars, airplanes and boats. Our goal is 3 models per semester starting with a level 2 model then moving onto harder models. Your child will be able to pick the model they want to complete from a group. Why a class to build models? Building models is known to enhance system thinking such as planning, problem solving and critical thinking. It is also known to help relieve stress. Most importantly they get to build something cool they can display and be proud of.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Semester
Time: 9:00-9:55
Cost: $100
Supply Fee: $60 per semester
Class Prerequisite: Ability to read and follow directions
Materials Teacher Will Provide: glue, paint, tools, models
Materials Students Must Provide: I recommend a painting shirt to protect clothing
Minimum Enrollment: 5
Maximum Enrollment: 15
Parent Requirements: N/A
Teacher: Carrie Dahlke
Contact: Carriedahlke@gmail.com (406)261-9948
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course