Learning with Literature

5th – 8th

Theresa Bott

Course Description: Using the Bravewriter approach, we will use quality chapter books to learn the mechanics of writing.  Each week, will utilize copywork/dictation passages, engage in lively book discussions, and learn specific literary elements.  Every session will have one primary writing activity, and we will conclude the session with a book club party.  This method aims to “calm your anxious writers, and nourish your aspiring authors.

Course Viewpoint:  Mixed

Course Length:  Session

Time:  10:00

Cost:  $40 per session – cash or check

Supply Fee:  N/A

Class Prerequisite:  Minimum age 10 and the ability to read and write

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  Book party supplies, writing notebook for each student

Materials Students Must Provide: One chapter book per session; the book list will be released at a future date, leaving sufficient time for ordering online.

Minimum Enrollment:  5

Maximum Enrollment:  12

Parent Requirements:  Students participating are committing to reading/listening to one book per session (six weeks) at home.  I will provide written and verbal feedback on writing assignments; if parents prefer a rubric or letter grade, it will be their responsibility to grade writing assignments.

Teacher:  Theresa Bott

Contact:  tbott406@gmail.com

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Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course