Intro To College Writing
9th – 12th
Raina Sandtner
Course Description: In this class, students will be prepared for what to expect in a college writing course. This class will introduce them to the basics of MLA and APA format writing, proofreading and editing, researching, and formal language. Students will be expected to meet deadlines, follow rubrics, and demonstrate a willingness to learn. By the end of this course, students should possess working knowledge of format writing and formal language that will prepare them for a college writing course or enrich their high school writing. This is a cumulative class and cannot accommodate mid-semester sign-ups; because of this and in accordance with FEC’s policy, the payment and supply fee will be paid upfront and is non-refundable.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Semester
Time: 3pm – 4pm, 08/30/2022 – 12/13/2022
Cost: $100 for the semester [Cash or Check Only]
Supply Fee: $10 for the semester
Class Prerequisite: Must have a working knowledge of grammar, parts of speech, and basic writing.
Materials Teacher Will Provide: There may be some handouts. Most to all important documents, including homework, will be through Google Classroom or email.
Materials Students Must Provide: Pencils, notebook for notetaking, red pen/highlighters, 2-inch 3-ring binder, and an at-home computer with internet access.
Minimum Enrollment: 3
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Parent Requirements: Parent must allow the student access to a computer with internet access.
Teacher: Raina Sandtner
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course