Constitutional Literacy

8th – 12th Grade

Jerelyn Sandtner

Course Description:  The Constitution is the cornerstone for American Freedoms.  Students taking this class will watch and discuss Michael Farris’ Constitutional Literacy DVD series (published by Apologia Educational Services, 2014), complete chapter exercises in the accompanying workbook, and write weekly essays on chapter assignments.  There will be quizzes and two cumulative tests.  Lectures will help students increase their understanding of the history, weight, and importance of this unique document and become a part of American citizenry pride.  Topics include: the Constitution’s Creation, the power it grants, the second amendment, due process, international law, commerce and general welfare clauses, abortion “rights,” “homosexual rights,” and more.  Teacher will grade quizzes and assessments.  This is strictly a high school class as some topics warrant a level of maturity.

Course Viewpoint:  Christian

Course Length:  SCHOOL YEAR

Time:  9:00 – 10:00

Cost:  $45 per session [Cash or Check Only]

Supply Fee:  $20 per year one-time, non-refundable supply fee; OPTIONAL $25 per year non-refundable Report Card fee – report cards issued twice in 30 weeks.

Class Prerequisite:  America’s Providential History helpful but not necessary.

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  Review sheets, quizzes, and assessments.

Materials Students Must Provide:  Pencils and paper for note taking; binder or folder for papers; purchase Student Workbook at

Minimum Enrollment:  7

Maximum Enrollment:  20

Parent Requirements:  

  • Purchase Student Workbook at
  • Parent will grade workbook.
  • Responsible for assigning a grade to your student.
  • Assign a high school credit if you feel your student qualifies.

Teacher:  Jerelyn Sandtner


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Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course