Digital basic photography 

Grades 4-8

Teacher Nathan Brown

Teacher absence policy-Substitute

Course Description:  This will be a class to learn the basics of digital photography beginning with the exposure triangle and moving on to the composition for quality photos. I have several digital cameras that can be loaned but please let me know asap. There will be many opportunities outside of the classroom for community photography. This semester will include a photography scavenger hunt for students and those interested. Prizes are TBD.

Course Viewpoint:  Mixed

Course Length:  Semester

Time:  10-10:55

Cost:  $115/semester- cash, check, online Venmo

Supply Fee:  Included in semester fee

Class Prerequisite:  Ability to read/write

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  In classroom photography tools needed for that days photos

Materials Students Must Provide:  Backpack/bag for camera and equipment, notebook with writing utensil for notes/handouts

Minimum Enrollment:  4

Maximum Enrollment:  8

Parent Requirements:  Parent(s)/guardian(s) will need to help students complete weekly homework

Teacher:  Nathan Brown

Contact:  remove

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Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course