Advanced Robotics
Grades 8th – 12th
Mr. Brown
Teacher absence policy- Substitute
Course Description: This class will include soldering, basic circuit building, tearing apart household items to be rebuilt into functional robots, helping with the future mobile classroom, and more. The class will include the building of a radio-controlled robot using recycled components while in a group of four. Students will be taught some basic leadership skills and then required to do an interview with a business owner/general manager/CEO to discuss a robotic idea they will create. Leadership and social skills will be taught during the team building and designing. This class will be designing a small robot that will have an umbilical chord with the ability to clean the viewing window in the fish pond at Snappy’s in Evergreen.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Semester
Time: 3:00-3:55
Cost: $100 per semester, cash or check, make checks out to “Full Throttle Robotics LLC”
Supply Fee: no cost for supplies
Class Prerequisite: Basic understanding of electricity and safety taking apart things.
Materials Teacher Will Provide: Tool kits for dissembling of items to be salvaged for robotic building. Access to a 3D printer is possible for created components through CAD software that can be run through slicing software for 3D printing. Notebook and pencil for ideas sketches.
Materials Students Must Provide: Bag or backpack for carrying school supplies to and from class.
Minimum Enrollment: 4
Maximum Enrollment: 16
Parent Requirements: Be able to bring their students to locations outside of classes for fieldtrips etc.
Teacher: Mr. Brown
Contact: cell:(406)249-4975
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course