Art for grades K-3
Grades K-3
Teacher Carrie Dahlke
Teacher absence policy-Substitute
Course Description: We will be exploring many different art techniques using a variety of materials. Bead work, mosiacs, creating window clings, painting are just a few of the projects we will be completing.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Semester
Time: 2:00-2:55
Cost: $140.00 per semester due at start of semester
Supply Fee: Included in class fee
Class Prerequisite: Must be able to follow directions.
Materials Teacher Will Provide: All other supplies
Materials Students Must Provide: Craft shirt, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, water color paints, glue stick and bottle of glue. Please label your supplies.
Minimum Enrollment: 5
Maximum Enrollment: 24
Parent Requirements: Please ensure your child has all supplies each week
Teacher: Carrie Dahlke
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course