Art for grades K-3

Grades K-3

Teacher Carrie Dahlke

Teacher absence policy-Substitute

Course Description:  We will be exploring many different art techniques using a variety of materials. Bead work, mosiacs, creating window clings, painting are just a few of the projects we will be completing. 

Course Viewpoint:  Mixed

Course Length:  Semester

Time:  2:00-2:55

Cost:  $140.00 per semester due at start of semester

Supply Fee:  Included in class fee

Class Prerequisite:  Must be able to follow directions.

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  All other supplies

Materials Students Must Provide:  Craft shirt, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, water color paints, glue stick and bottle of glue. Please label your supplies. 

Minimum Enrollment:  5

Maximum Enrollment:  24

Parent Requirements:  Please ensure your child has all supplies each week

Teacher:  Carrie Dahlke


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Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course