High School Writing Online
Grades 8th -12th
Jerelyn Sandtner
Teacher absence policy- Online Make-up Class
Course Description: From a sentence to the five-paragraph essay, your student will learn the fundamentals of good writing. Using a cumulative approach, students will build their writing skillset by learning, applying, editing, revising, and producing the final draft. The course will use several pertinent lessons from a variety of writing curriculums which will be directly related to developing expository writing skills for high school students. Students will be required to complete weekly writing assignments, meet deadlines, and provide a brief review on other students’ work. In the remaining six weeks, students will be writing a comprehensive five paragraph essay on a topic of their choice. This class combines well Grammar Boot Camp.
Course Viewpoint: Mixed
Course Length: Yearlong
Time: Wednesdays; 11 AM – 12:00 PM; following FEC’s school calendar
Cost: $125/per student/per semester; CASH or CHECK only; $5.00 discount if paid in CASH (can be dropped off at Cornerstone on Tuesdays); 60% payment DUE first week of semester; 40% payment DUE fifth week of semester.
Supply Fee: One-time, non-refundable $20.00/year. OPTIONAL Report Card Fee of $25.00/year.
Class Prerequisite: General knowledge of grammar and writing.
Materials Teacher Will Provide: Rubrics and assignments
Materials Students Must Provide: 1 1/2″ binder, notebook, pencils, erasers, highlighters. Students will be expected to TYPE all of their writing assignments as no hand-written assignments will be accepted.
Minimum Enrollment: 1
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Parent Requirements: Parents MUST ensure all homework, quizzes, and writing assessments are completed and turned in when they are DUE. Due to the content, late assignments WILL NOT be accepted.
Teacher: Jerelyn Sandtner
Contact: jwsandtner@gmail.com
What the length of this course is for the school year
The type of viewpoint expressed in this course