Elementary Botany

1st-4th Grade 

Crystal Clark

Course Description: Discover the incredible beauty and purpose of the plants that fill our earth. Through easy, hands-on experiments and vibrant lessons, your children will learn to see God’s magnificent hand in the world that surrounds them. We will record our findings in a nature journal and I will challenge your children to find certain native plants in their own surroundings during the days we are not together.

Course Viewpoint:  Christian

Course Length:  Session

Time:  1:00

Cost:  $40 per session – cash or check

Supply Fee:  None

Class Prerequisite:  None

Materials Teacher Will Provide:  All lesson and experiment supplies.

Materials Students Must Provide: Sketchbook and Color Pencils

Minimum Enrollment:  5

Maximum Enrollment:  10

Parent Requirements:  Check your child’s back pack weekly, for possible living organisms.

Teacher:  Crystal Clark

Contact:  crystalclark.family@gmail.com

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Course Length

What the length of this course is for the school year

Course View

The type of viewpoint expressed in this course